Sell online on all aggregators and get more orders
Benefits of joining Retail Hub
Delivery is managed by agregators. You pick the orders - they deliver
Brand visibility on all platforms
Easy launch - we handle all the hassle
New customers from online channels
Automatic stocks update on all platforms
How it works
We will register your own store on all major platforms
We build integration with your POS, WMS or ERP
We will promote your store and raise it in the agregator's listing, launch in-app promotion at aggregators and generate traffic from social networks
Our partners will fulfill your orders and deliver to the clients in 30-90 minutes
Why us
Our E-commerce management system allows you to integrate aggregators and manage the stocks quickly and intuitively
We cooperate with all key aggregators in the UAE: Talabat, Careem, NowNow, Deliveroo, El Grocer, Instashop
How stores connect with us
Let's make new profits
for your brand!
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